Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Weekly Commentary: Rice's Fantasy

Reality check:
Nov 19, 2007 - three Palestinian cops murder Israeli Ido Zoldan.
Israel cracks the case by the next day, capturing two of the cop-terrorists, Abdullah Baram and his brother Dafar, who confess and reveal where the murder weapons are hidden as well as the identity of their ringleader, PA cop Fadi Jama, who still remained at large.
Now, if we lived in Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's fantasy world, the "moderate" PA leadership would have jumped at the opportunity to clean house, public denouncing the incident while capturing and prosecuting Fadi Jama to the full extent of Palestinian law (the PA "justice" system has capital punishment).
But we don't.
We live in the real world.
The PA isn't prosecuting Fadi Jama. They aren't even going through the motions. Instead he is being held in protective custody so that Israel cannot bring him to real justice.
If we lived in Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's fantasy world, the "moderate" PA security forces now being armed to the teeth would be busy clearing out the illegal arms and ammunition from the West Bank.
In the real world many of the bullets that were supposed to strengthen the PA Police have already flooded the Palestinian black market, where they depressed ammunition prices, just as the large number of smuggling tunnels connecting between "peace partner" Egypt and the Gaza Strip is cutting into smuggling profits.
If we lived in Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's fantasy world, the sole purpose of the "moderate" PA security forces would be to maintain order within the PA.
In the real world, the "moderate" PA has already warned that if we dare to launch a major operation to finally put an end to the escalating terror emanating from the Gaza Strip that they will join with Hamas to battle the Jewish State.
There is no question that the PA will be able to provide the photo ops that jibe with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's fantasy world. Photo ops that American officials anxious to sign off on Palestinian compliance could readily embrace.
But it won't be reality,
Fantasy based policy may be convenient in the short run, but it ultimately brings disaster.
Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)(Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730INTERNET ADDRESS: imra@netvision.net.il Website: http://www.imra.org.il/
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Dangers and Solutions:
In Gaza, The West bank regions, Southern Labanon, and Syria the tactic used to stall the recent Israeli efforts in Southern Lebanon are now being implemented in these regions. Deep bunkers, massive tunnels - sometimes stretching for 15 miles plus, smuggle Iranian arms, and long term traning by the Iranians of field grade military officer corps for the P.L.A - spell crisis for Israel's existance.
Moreover, with the problematic situation of American involvement in Iraq - American support once depended upon American swiftness to assist as it did in the Yom Kippur War is just not there. Even worst is the additional difficulties caused by the People Republic of China's additional interest in securing more and more of the oil reserves in Arab world for its growing economy - and willingness to supply anything to the Arabs to further this interests.
Christian fundementalism is crawling into end days with anxiety ridden hope of seeing a major confrontation at you know where. So their messiah can reappear along with the rapture.
The idealisms of a youthful face of Zionism has been greatly deminished, and campus activities world wide indicate a socio-political retreat- while others are just disappointed and are tired out.
Now is the time for something to be interjected.
Free Thinking:
Freethought holds that individuals should neither accept nor reject ideas proposed as truth without recourse to knowledge and reason. Thus, freethinkers strive to build their beliefs on the basis of facts, scientific inquiry, and logical principles, independent of the factual/logical fallacties and intellectually-limiting effects of authority, cognitive bias, conventional wisdom, popular culture, prejudice, sectarianism, tradition, urban legend, and all other dogmatic or otherwise fallacious principles. When applied the philosophy of freethought holds that, given presently-known facts, established scientific theories, and logical principles, there is insufficient evidence to support the existence of supernatural phenomena.
Thus in review of the region of Israel there is the history of the Armenians and their Holocaust. The Kurds and the historic denial of their statehood, and thus something else rises from the murkeyness in which our present history is trapped in. We have real friends in the region in which we are not aware, and then the attentions of the world on the Palestinians comes into sharper focus. More importantly it brings to attention the traditional bias of the New York City Zionist Organizations' which now endangers the existance of the State of Israel.
It is from the Zionist seed once planted B'Arez, then those who are graving for freedom and liberation within the Middle East Regions now has found hope. The Palestinian vision is not in the interest of Palestinian liberation, for they will loss, and in certain regions have lost the freedom they could or once enjoyed under Israel's influence.
What signifys this is that the passion for Zionism must be infused into others who are unknown allies, and then our liberation will spread.
We too must grow likewise and seek greater interchange of free thought more than ever so our youth can find their own page in Jewish history.
Kidon ben Avramchaim
Moreover, with the problematic situation of American involvement in Iraq - American support once depended upon American swiftness to assist as it did in the Yom Kippur War is just not there. Even worst is the additional difficulties caused by the People Republic of China's additional interest in securing more and more of the oil reserves in Arab world for its growing economy - and willingness to supply anything to the Arabs to further this interests.
Christian fundementalism is crawling into end days with anxiety ridden hope of seeing a major confrontation at you know where. So their messiah can reappear along with the rapture.
The idealisms of a youthful face of Zionism has been greatly deminished, and campus activities world wide indicate a socio-political retreat- while others are just disappointed and are tired out.
Now is the time for something to be interjected.
Free Thinking:
Freethought holds that individuals should neither accept nor reject ideas proposed as truth without recourse to knowledge and reason. Thus, freethinkers strive to build their beliefs on the basis of facts, scientific inquiry, and logical principles, independent of the factual/logical fallacties and intellectually-limiting effects of authority, cognitive bias, conventional wisdom, popular culture, prejudice, sectarianism, tradition, urban legend, and all other dogmatic or otherwise fallacious principles. When applied the philosophy of freethought holds that, given presently-known facts, established scientific theories, and logical principles, there is insufficient evidence to support the existence of supernatural phenomena.
Thus in review of the region of Israel there is the history of the Armenians and their Holocaust. The Kurds and the historic denial of their statehood, and thus something else rises from the murkeyness in which our present history is trapped in. We have real friends in the region in which we are not aware, and then the attentions of the world on the Palestinians comes into sharper focus. More importantly it brings to attention the traditional bias of the New York City Zionist Organizations' which now endangers the existance of the State of Israel.
It is from the Zionist seed once planted B'Arez, then those who are graving for freedom and liberation within the Middle East Regions now has found hope. The Palestinian vision is not in the interest of Palestinian liberation, for they will loss, and in certain regions have lost the freedom they could or once enjoyed under Israel's influence.
What signifys this is that the passion for Zionism must be infused into others who are unknown allies, and then our liberation will spread.
We too must grow likewise and seek greater interchange of free thought more than ever so our youth can find their own page in Jewish history.
Kidon ben Avramchaim
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