Hamagshimim is the University Zionist Movement sponsored by Hadassah. We are a pluralistic student-led organization that works to strengthen students' connection to Israel through a variety of social, cultural and political programs. This connection is cultivated through education, advocacy training, leadership development, long-term Israel programs and facilitation of aliyah. We work in concert with our sibling movement Young Judaea. Hamagshimim's student leaders (Rakazim) currently operate on approximately 25 campuses. The national events and major programs run and supported by Hamagshimim include: Va'ad Hamagshimim - a leadership training seminar for our Rakazim run by the Hamagshimim staff. Kinus Hamagshimim - our annual conference, a 3-day educational seminar facilitated by shlichim and outside speakers and educators. birthright israel - through our special partnership with Hillel, we operate birthright trips for several hundred students each year. Hadassah-Hillel-Hamagshimim Steinhardt JCSC Fellowship - another wonderful partnership with Hillel, we help augment the "engagement programming" carried out by JCSC Fellows with our special brand of Israel programs and resources. Hamagshimim Israel Fellowships - a 6-week Israel Advocacy Seminar peer-led by Hamagshimim students. The Fellows assume leadership roles within the campus pro-Israel community and take seats on the student paper's editorial board.
In the Yahoo Group site with 1245 members its first group message ........
Dear Members,
On Tuesday, December 22, [ 1998 ] at eight p.m., Merkaz Hamagshimim will receive OferBen Dov, a representative of Greenpeace Mediterranean. There will be a lecturegiven by Mr. Dov marking the start of Merkaz Hamagshimim's environmentalinitiative. This will not only be a listener/listened to event. It is also acall to action. After Mr. Dov's speech there will be a community dialoguecentered around all of our environmental concerns and how we might translatethese beliefs into action. We are looking forward in future years to thecommemoration of this event as what might be the beginning of Merkaz Hamagshimimas a hub for environmental action here in Israel.
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